
Notorious ‘Never Trump’ Org Funded Group Behind Milo Controversy

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The group that accused Milo Yiannopoulos of defending pedophilia is funded by an anti-Trump, pro-McMullin PAC that once tweeted “we hate white children.”

The Reagan Battalion Facebook page, which alleged Monday that Yiannopoulos supported pedophilia, has a link under Contact Info that directs visitors to a web domain titled, “stopdonaldtrumppac.com.” The domain no longer resolves, but a screenshot of the site can be found here.

The Stop Trump PAC also has a Twitter account from which it once tweeted the phrase “we hate white children,” which has since been deleted:

(Twitter/Deleted Tweet @StopTrumpPAC)

The Reagan Battalion posted to Facebook several anti-Trump and pro-Evan McMullin (2016 presidential candidate) videos, pictures, links, and even a poem. The McMullin site also contains a page stating, “the Reagan Battalion is with us. Are you?”

Evan McMullin retweeted a tweet bragging about his involvement in taking down Yiannopoulos, calling Milo a “Nazi punk” but not directly confirming that he was involved in any supposed hit job.